Dear Members of Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union,
Fellow Europeans,
Movimento Insieme was born in the midst of the first wave of the novel coronavirus pandemic, when many of us could not help ourselves from being astonished by the apparent inability of great European countries to protect their own citizens from a nearly existential threat. We were All left in awe by experiencing the absolute lack of coordination and solidarity in and from the European Union. The whole thing got worse when we considered that while having less than 7% of the world's population, the EU accounts fom more than 50% of the worl's social spending (healthcare and social welfare).
Doubtlessly the coronavirus pandemic has marked a bitter European defeat. In sight of this unprecedented situation - and actually being, many of us, proud members of the Erasmus generation - we felt the need to take concrete action. This was why and how we launched Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union. A bottom-up, pan-European peoples' movement with the sole objective of imminently establishing the European Federal Union as the latter is described in the Rome Manifesto - A declaration for the European Federal Union published in 2017.
This Christmas, each every European can do the best gift to their loved ones as well as to the generations that will follow: You can contribute to the real unification of Europe. In taking this action, and in inviting others to follow you, not only will you do the right thing for the current and the next generation of Europeans, but you will also respond in the most constructive possible way to the demands of the preceding generations, those who lived the terror of the war, suffering the terrible consequences of nationalistic and divisive polices, which brought nothing but destruction and death to our continent.
It has been a change-making realization for us to understand that, no matter how pro-Europe the leaderships of the European countries might be, they will never truly advance the federal integration agenda simply because they consider it a suicidal move for their own power and authority. They will never do it! So, it is only up to the peoples of Europe, us all, to make it happen through publicly and persistently demanding the creation of the European Federal Union. You can then today support this movement and by doing so you provide great help towards the creation of a superpower of democracy, peace, equality, justice and humanism, something that won't only benefit Europe but also all of the World. Doubtlessly, it is the most substantive gifts one could give today!
Don't hesitate then! Do become active within Movimento Insieme - definitely join our Slack workspace - and absolutely invite like-minded, fellow Europeans to join our movement!!! It will be a marathon rather than a sprint, but logic, reasoning, interest and, ultimately, history, is indeed on our side!
Merry Christmas to All, Happy Holidays, and Vive l'Europe!
With my warmest wishes,
Dimitris Tsingos
Initiator of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union
Join Movimento Insieme now!
Dear friends, fellow members and friends of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union, Our movement was born in the midst of the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic where we were all witnesses of the apparent inability of the European Union in its current form to respond to one of its most fundamentals reasons-to-exist: To protect the people of Europe. Two and a half years later and, unfortunately, after hundreds of thousands of Europeans having passed away earlier than they...
Dear friends, fellow members of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union, By this message I would like to invite you to our April 2021 members call, which is taking place on Tuesday April 6th, at 19:00 CET. You will be able to join on Google Meet via following this link. Looking forward to virtually meeting you All! Moreover, I would like to remind you to sign-up for our worskpace on Slack (follow this link) as well as our group on WhatsApp (follow this link). Warm regards,...
Dear friends, fellow members of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union, Happy Europe Day! By this message I would like to invite you to our May 2021 members call, which is taking place on Tuesday May 11th, at 19:00 CET. You will be able to join on Google Meet via following this link. Looking forward to virtually meeting you All! Moreover, I would like to remind you to sign-up for our worskpace on Slack (follow this link) as well as our group on WhatsApp (follow this link). Warm...