Dear friends, fellow members of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union,
I think that few among us will disagree to the opinion that year 2020 has proven certainty and stability being nothing but a kind of illusions which help us to better deal with our lives and feel more comfortable with the only constant in life: Change.
It has of course been very unfortunate and bitter that this realization came together with great suffering and losses for millions of fellow human beings around the Globe, including a very high death and suffering toll here in Europe. These last days of the year, my thoughts are with all of these people who were affected by the pandemic in so many different ways.
Change then is what defined year 2020. We, the peoples of Europe, not only welcome change but we are determined to adapt and to try to lead and accelerate it. Beyond any doubt, the coronavirus pandemic has provided sufficient evidence even to the most skeptical of us that the federal integration of Europe is the only reasonable way forward for the hundreds of millions of Europeans and all of our communities.
At the end of 2020, the creation of the European Federal Union feels much more as a reasonable, logical, efficient, effective and imminent response to Europe's challenges, while a year ago it was more perceived as an interesting yet distant and wild dream. In this sense, I would like to personally thank each and everyone of you for being part of this journey, a journey which will lead to the creation of a new federal state in Europe, as it is described in the Rome Manifesto, a superpower of peace, freedom, justice, equality and prosperity for All. A mission definitely worth working for!
The end of 2020 finds Movimento Insieme with 485 members. We are very proud of this achievement, as we have done almost no effort yet to make our voice heard. In the first quarter of 2021, our movement will be formalized as an association and will start being more vocal with our single message: The need to create now the European Federal Union along the lines of the Rome Manifesto.
We are very confident that in 12 months from now, in the end of 2021, our membership based will have expanded by a factor of more than 10x: We are working towards the objective of having 5,000 members signed up by next December and we exclusively count on each and everyone of you for passing the message of hope and optimism for our federal future in Europe to All Europeans.
Once again, I would like to thank you All for your great support and participation in this single-purpose, bottom-up, peoples movement for the European Federal Union. It is going to be a long and challenging journey, however we are promoting such a bright concept which makes all this effort worth to give!
With my warmest wishes for a new year 2021 full of happiness, health and progress for you, your loved ones and your communities,
Vive l'Europe fédérale
Dimitris Tsingos
Initiator of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union
Join Movimento Insieme now!
Ps. Please do make sure you have joined our workspace on Slack as well as our group on WhatsApp!
Dear friends, fellow members and friends of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union, Our movement was born in the midst of the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic where we were all witnesses of the apparent inability of the European Union in its current form to respond to one of its most fundamentals reasons-to-exist: To protect the people of Europe. Two and a half years later and, unfortunately, after hundreds of thousands of Europeans having passed away earlier than they...
Dear friends, fellow members of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union, By this message I would like to invite you to our April 2021 members call, which is taking place on Tuesday April 6th, at 19:00 CET. You will be able to join on Google Meet via following this link. Looking forward to virtually meeting you All! Moreover, I would like to remind you to sign-up for our worskpace on Slack (follow this link) as well as our group on WhatsApp (follow this link). Warm regards,...
Dear friends, fellow members of the Movimento Insieme for the European Federal Union, Happy Europe Day! By this message I would like to invite you to our May 2021 members call, which is taking place on Tuesday May 11th, at 19:00 CET. You will be able to join on Google Meet via following this link. Looking forward to virtually meeting you All! Moreover, I would like to remind you to sign-up for our worskpace on Slack (follow this link) as well as our group on WhatsApp (follow this link). Warm...